Milko: I am very glad that not only Kolos fans loved us

01 August 2020, 07:02 | Football
Вадим Милько, фото ФК Колос Ковалевка
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Mariupol minimally lost to Kolos in the playoff final for a ticket to the Europa League due to the only goal of Denis Antyukh. Kovalevsky club captain Vadim Milko shared his emotions after the sensational triumph of his team.

" Everybody saw it. I am very glad that not only Kolos fans fell in love with us, but also those who did not even know about the existence of such a team. You can see what support was, and how people worried about us.

Emotions just overwhelm "

" Everyone was so devastated after the victory, and probably only the next day they realized what had happened. "

" Many joints, many struggles. We probably wanted this more. Mariupol has already played in the Europa League twice, and we have never. I don't want to guess far. We need to rest a little, because the season turned out to be crumpled and long due to quarantine. Let's rest and go ahead with renewed vigor, "

On Football. ua video of the goal and review of the match of the match Kolos - Mariupol is available.

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