Babich - about the period in Mariupol: It was a glorious hunt!

30 July 2020, 20:33 | Football
фото Александра Бабича
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Alexander Babich said goodbye to the players, fans and management of Mariupol after three seasons of joint work.

\! Three years. I can't even believe that they flew by as one bright moment. We all grew up together as a team, as men. They grew up, rejoiced and upset, sometimes - not without this - they got irritated. But what is important - we have always been one. We did not break down in difficult moments, squeezed like a spring and fired when everything was against us. We, like a real gang, were one whole, fought for ourselves and for that guy.

I will say now for all my colleagues - we have learned a lot from you guys. We have become wiser - also thanks to you. I would like to thank everyone who gave these emotions. First of all, the whole team, everyone who helped the team worried about it. I put a piece of my soul to achieve the goal. Thanks to the management for the conditions created to work.

There are many emotions - but remember: everything is just beginning and with whom and where you work, play, remember - everything is just beginning. And with every step we get stronger. The main thing is not to pass yourself on. And love football in yourself, not yourself in football. Gang, we don't say goodbye, but we say goodbye! "

Recall that the last fight for the coach was the meeting with Kolos in the final of the playoffs for a ticket to the Europa League.

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