Mikhailenko: In order to set ourselves more serious tasks, we need to become even stronger

25 July 2020, 21:52 | Football
Дмитрий Михайленко, ФК Днепр-1
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Kolos defeated Dnipro-1 and reached the final of the playoffs for the Europa League. The results were summed up by the head coach of Dnipro-1 Dmitry Mikhailenko.

" Unfortunately, we were unable to proceed further.. I would like to congratulate the Kolos team on the victory and wish them good luck in the future "

" There was a moment at the beginning of the second half when we managed to play one goal, but then again there was a quickly conceded goal, after which we had a hard time recovering. "


About choosing a goalkeeper:.

" It seems to me that Andrei did not make mistakes, goals need to be reviewed. From the coach's bench it was difficult to say that he was to blame for the goals - in one episode? there was a ricochet, in another hit in the corner, so it's difficult to comment on something here "

Dmitry Mikhailenko summed up the ended season for his team.

“Two years ago, we played in the Second League and were in the same dressing room, and for a young club that in such a short time made its way to the playoffs in the Europa League, this is a big event. The season can be assessed contradictory. On the one hand, we gained experience, but on the other, a lot of players came to us both last offseason and a year ago, so now we are still in the process of building a team.


" We are growing stronger as a team in terms of game quality. But in order to set ourselves more serious tasks, we need to become even stronger "

About off season:.

" There is a group of footballers who play with micro injuries, and we need to put them on their feet, and the offseason is very short. We will prepare at our base in Dnipro, and we will begin preparation in a week, "

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