Arteta: We can win the FA Cup and advance to the Europa League, but this is not Arsenal's level

24 July 2020, 07:33 | Football
Микель Артета, Getty Images
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In the FA Cup final, fans will face the London derby, in which Arsenal will face off against Chelsea. Gunners head coach Mikel Arteta shared his expectations from this confrontation.

" When it isn't, bad things happen all the time.. We need to prepare better. "

" Obviously, after everything that happened, if we can win the FA Cup final and qualify for the Europa League, then we have the right to say that everything is fine with us.. But this is not the level of the London Arsenal "

Note that the winner of the 2019/20 FA Cup will be determined on August 1. The start of the fight is scheduled for 19:30 Kiev time. Anthony Taylor will be the chief arbiter of the meeting.

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