Trubin is the youngest captain in the history of Shakhtar

15 July 2020, 23:23 | Football
Анатолий Трубин, фото Шахтер
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As part of the 31st round match of the Ukrainian Premier League, Shakhtar managed to confidently beat Kolos in his field, scoring two unanswered goals.

It is noteworthy that goalkeeper Anatoly Trubin led the Pitmen with the captain's armband, for whom the match was the first in such status.

Note that the goalkeeper became the youngest captain in the history of Donetsk. On the day of the match, the player turned 18 years old and 349 days. Previously, this title belonged to Viktor Kovalenko..

The five youngest miners captains are as follows:.

Anatoly Trubin - 18 years 349 days.

Victor Kovalenko - 20 years 87 days.

Dmitry Chygrynsky - 20 years 132 days.

Sergey Popov - 21 years 27 days.

Igor Oshchipko - 21 years 235 days.

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