2022 World Cup: Match Schedule Revealed

15 July 2020, 18:48 | Football
Фото: официальный сайт FIFA
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The next world championship will be held in 2022, and Qatar will be the host of the tournament. The International Football Federation on its official website has published the schedule of fights of the upcoming mundial, which will be held at eight stadiums.

The first match of the World Cup 2022 will take place on November 21, in which the Qatar team will meet with an as yet unknown rival in the Al-Bayt arena. The group stage will last until December 2, meetings of the 1/8 finals will be held from December 3 to 6, 1/4 finals - December 9–10, 1/2 finals - December 13–14.

The match for third place will take place on December 17 at the Khalifa Stadium, and the final match is scheduled for December 18 and will be held at the Lusail Arena, which seats 80 thousand spectators.

To your attention the full schedule of matches of the World Cup 2022:.

Based on materials: fifa.com

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