Mikhaylichenko: We played only to win, I think it can be seen

13 July 2020, 06:12 | Football
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Dynamo head coach Alexei Mikhaylichenko commented on a draw in an away match with Alexandria.

Dynamo missed the victory over Alexandria in the last minutes in the duel of the 30th round of UPL. The result of the match was summed up by Alexey Mikhaylichenko.

“The game turned out to be very difficult, but we did not expect anything else, especially after the Ukrainian Cup final, when a lot of energy and emotions were spent. We tried to refresh the composition as much as possible and choose a game plan, according to which different compositions played in each half. In principle, our plan worked, but, unfortunately, we could not keep the winning score "

" Of course, a lot of mistakes were made, but the players can understand: when each match is akin to the Cup final, such games take a lot of strength, emotions, concentration and nervous tension. Such errors should not have been made, but they did occur.. We’ll be preparing for the fight with Zorya, who will also be akin to the finale "

About Verbich's position:.

" The time will come - and you will find out everything, but I would not want to make predictions, draw conclusions and say something in hot pursuit. Especially in four training days, anything can happen.

We have injured Sol and Mikolenko, missed the game due to the exhaustion of yellow cards Kadiri and Pivarich. So we have certain personnel problems, but probably, like every team. You just need to find a way out of such situations. "

About the return of Mikolenko:.

" When they tell me that the player is ready to work in a common group, then I can answer whether he will play or not, ”the official website of Dynamo quotes Mikhaylichenko.

On football. ua goals video and review of the match Desna - Dynamo available.

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