Malinovsky: Atalanta deserved to win, we were a bit out of luck

12 July 2020, 14:44 | Football
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Midfielder commented on the duel against Turintsy.

Midfielder Atalanta Ruslan Malinovsky, who became the author of a goal against Juventus, commented on the outcome of the match (2: 2).

" I think we lost two points, because Atalanta deserved to win. But we got two penalties.

We tried to defend ourselves well in the last minutes to maintain the result, but a little out of luck. It just wasn’t our day. "

" We had great moments, we controlled the ball. We scored a goal and in the second half we tried to play more compactly, had good counterattacks. I think we could squeeze more out of these moments. We need to learn from this match. "

" We need to move on, get ready for the next match, "

Recall that the Ukrainian footballer had 20 minutes to become the best player in the match.

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