Brighton - Manchester City 0: 5 Goals video and match review

12 July 2020, 12:36 | Football
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We bring to your attention the review of the championship of England.

Manchester City won a landslide victory over Brighton with a score of 5: 0 in the match of the 35th round of the Premier League. Rakhim Sterling scored a hat-trick in the “citizens”, and Gabriel Jesus and Bernanrdu Silva scored the goal.

Defender Aleksanr Zinchenko took to the field in the middle of the second half, but did not distinguish himself with productive actions.

Brighton - Manchester City 0: 5 Goals: Sterling, 21, 53, 81, Jesus, 44, Bernardo Silva, 56 Brighton: Ryan, Dank, Bernardo, Montoya (Lampty, 59), Webster, Bissum, Gross (Berne, 78). Silva, 64), Marez, Gabriel Jesus (Foden, 64) Warning: Bissum.

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