Bernard turned to a psychologist because of poor performance in Everton

04 July 2020, 19:12 | Football
Бернард, Getty Images
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Everton midfielder Bernard, known to Ukrainian fans for playing for Shakhtar Donetsk, joined the butterscotch as a free agent in 2018. In the new club, the Brazilian did not shine, and in the debut season he scored only two goals in 36 matches in all tournaments.

The former Pitmen player admitted that he had been visiting a psychologist throughout the past year because he felt anxiety and a burden of responsibility because of his weak performance indicators in Everton.

" Now I see how much I developed as a person, and how much this helped me in my work..

Now I’ve become stronger in all areas, I’ve become better, more positive and more confident in myself "

" I’m a little uncomfortable talking about it, because it was a difficult situation, but I’m happy that I managed it, "

It’s hard to say that treatment seriously improved the statistics of a 27-year-old Brazilian. This season, Bernard played 25 matches in Everton’s shirt in all tournaments, in which he scored three goals and gave two assists.

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