Schalke top scorer retires before season's end

26 May 2020, 23:02 | Football
Суат Сердар, Getty Images
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Schalke continues to lose football players after quarantine and resumption of the Bundesliga. According to the Pitmen’s press service, midfielder Suat Serdar was injured and dropped out before the end of the season.

A 23-year-old German was diagnosed with a partial rupture of the ligament of the left knee, due to which he will not be able to enter the field over the next few months.

Suat Serdar played 20 matches in the Bundesliga for Schalke this season, in which he scored seven goals. He is his team’s top scorer in the current campaign..

Earlier it was reported that two other players Schalke Amin Arit and Jean-Claire Todibo were injured, but nothing is known about their timing.

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