Temporary Investigation Commission proposes Verkhovna Rada to extend investigations against Pavelko for six months

15 May 2020, 15:01 | Football
Андрей Павелко, фото УАФ
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The official website of the Verkhovna Rada reports that the Provisional Investigation Commission on abuse of official position of the president of the UAF, Andrei Pavelko, requests to extend the investigation for another six months.

It is noted that VSK continues to study the facts of violation of the legislation of Ukraine by the functionary when deciding on the financing and implementation of the budget program "

In addition, in the semi-annual report of the Provisional Commission, certain sections provide data on the activities of law enforcement agencies and the progress of the investigation of cases, and also describes the role in the creation and implementation of the program of the president of the UAF.

The Associated Press reported earlier that FIFA and UEFA are also investigating Pavelko regarding the inappropriate spending of funds..

Based on materials: iportal.rada.gov.ua

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