Mane: I’ll understand if Liverpool does not win the Premier League this season

08 April 2020, 18:59 | Football
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Senegalese winger spoke out about the possible cancellation of the championship of England because of COVID-19.

Liverpool may not become the champion of England following the results of the current campaign, because the Premier League took an indefinite pause due to the coronavirus and can ultimately be canceled.

Liverpool striker Sadio Mane hopes that his team will be recognized as a champion, but will not express dissatisfaction if this does not happen.

" For Liverpool, this would not be easy, but millions of people around the world are even worse off.. Some of them have lost their family members. "

" If this does not happen, then I am ready to accept it. I hope that we will be able to win next season, "

Recall that earlier Sadio Mane spoke about the work under the leadership of Jurgen Klopp.

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