Shevchenko: I think that we have excellent chances to leave this group

30 November 2019, 22:55 | Football
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The head coach commented on the results of the draw.

Head coach of the national team of Ukraine Andriy Shevchenko expressed his opinion on the results of the draw for the final tournament of Euro 2020.

" There are no simple commands, we understand that very well. Very difficult first game against the Netherlands. This is a very good team with the potential of strong players with an excellent coach.. We play away, so it will be a very difficult game. "

" Let's see what will be the next team in our group.

I think that we have excellent chances to leave this group, everything will depend on the state in which our players will approach the beginning of the European Championship. The most important thing is to avoid injuries. "

" Of course, I would like not to start the Euro against the Netherlands, because this is one of the strongest teams, but since we will play such lots, "

Previously, the schedule of all the matches of the Ukrainian team at the European Championships.

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