Marcel struck 34 shots on goal Brest

30 November 2019, 05:21 | Football
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Marcel took Brest at the Velodrome as part of the match of the 15th round of the League 1.

The hosts opened an account at the beginning of the second half, and then in one minute exchanged goals in the end of the match. Thus, Marcel managed to win.

At the same time, Olympic struck at the gate of Brest immediately 34 hits - 30 more than the opponent. Of these, ten were on target..

It is worth noting that since 2013 (PSG) not a single team so often hit an opponent on goal in a single match of the French championship.

Marseille - Brest 2: 1.

Goals: Sarr, 56, Radonic, 89 - Cardona, 88 Would you like to be the first to know football news? Subscribe to our channel in Telegram! You can also follow our site on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter..

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