Giroud: Sarry never stopped saying that Chelsea needs to get out of the LE group

10 November 2018, 08:52 | Football
Оливье Жиру, Getty Images
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Olivier Giroud scored his first Chelsea goal this season.. The striker distinguished himself in the guest game of the Europa League with BATE (1-0).

"When you do not use your chances, you always leave your opponent the opportunity to return to the game. They defended very deeply in the first half, and it was difficult for us to find a space between the lines, "the official site of Chelsea quotes Zhiru..

"In the end, we are glad that we scored three points, because we want to take first place in the group, but we played with a very good team. They had excellent team cohesion, they collectively defended themselves and were dangerous in counterattacks ".

"I had a good chance to score as early as possible, because I returned late from the World Championships, and maybe I lacked a bit of efficiency and luck, but I always had to work hard and keep my faith, and in the end everything worked out.

It was a good canopy from Emerson, and this is what we need to do more often ".

"The head coach never ceased to say that we need to provide a way out of the group, and the sooner the better, so we did the work, even though we could be more effective. We played zero and won the match.. We defended very well, and they unitedly defended, so at times it was difficult to find solutions and crack their defenses. ".

In the next round of the Europa League, Chelsea will take on Stamford Bridge Greek PAOK.

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