Ozil not mind to complete a career in Arsenal

08 November 2018, 22:47 | Football
Месут Озил, Getty Images
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Arsenal midfielder Mesut Ozil said he could end his playing career as part of the "Gunners".

“Can I finish my career in Arsenal? Why not,” said Ozil.

"I'm still young, I'm only 30 years old. In football, anything is possible, but I'm happy to play for such a big club like Arsenal.

I just enjoy it and I can well imagine that I will finish my career in Arsenal ".

“At what age can I finish my career? Perhaps, at 38 years old! No, really, I always thought that I could play up to 35-36 if I feel good. We'll see".

In the current season, Ozil played 11 matches for Arsenal in all tournaments in which he scored four goals and gave one assists.

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Based on materials: thisislondon.co.uk

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