Shevchuk: Olimpik tolerated and waited for his chance

01 November 2018, 00:45 | Football
Вячеслав Шевчук (слева), ФК Олимпик
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Shakhtar managed to break the resistance of Olympic in the match of the 1/8 finals of the Cup of Ukraine.

"Guys are great!. We played disciplined in defense, suffered, waited for our chance. I expected more from the attackers. Our attacking players sometimes lacked speed. We wanted to build a game with a rich defense, because we knew how well Shakhtar’s flanks worked, ”Shevchuk was quoted as saying by the official website of TV channels Football.

“Substitution in the break?

I want to have competition on the team. In addition, we now have a busy schedule, and the composition is not very deep, we are forced to make replacements ".

“Removal? I told the arbitrator that he was still young and should want to progress. Why so judge? Why invent? There was no foul, there was a mutual struggle. But even if you put a penalty, why remove the player? I think the removal was the key moment in the match, we quickly missed two goals, not having time to reorganize ".

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