Bolt received an offer of a professional contract, but not from Milan

16 October 2018, 16:11 | Football
Усэйн Болт, Getty Images
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After completing a career in running, Bolt is trying to succeed in football, but so far Usain has not joined any professional club on an ongoing basis..

There have been many rumors lately that Milan is ready to offer the Bolt contract.. According to the Daily Telegraph, Usain actually received the offer, but not from the Italian club..

According to the publication, a two-year contract with Bolt is ready to sign the Maltese club Valletta, which became the champion of the country in the last season.

Moreover, by signing an agreement with Valletta, Usain will be able to play for his new team in the upcoming Malta Cup final..

Earlier, the famous Spanish specialist Vicente Del Bosque said that Bolt could become a football player, but not at 32.

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