Wenger advises Bavaria not to dismiss Kovacs

16 October 2018, 15:24 | Football
Арсен Венгер, Getty Images
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After 7 rounds of the current season, the Bundesliga Munich have 13 points, taking 6th place in the standings.

Similar results are very disturbing for the club management, which, according to the German press, is already thinking about the dismissal of the team's head coach Niko Kovac.

According to Arsene Wenger, Bavaria is not yet worth parting with a Croatian mentor..

"I, like everyone else in Germany, am surprised at such a start. However, I do not care about Bavaria ".

"This team always returns to the highest level, just now they have a bad period. In my opinion, at the moment they should do two things: maintain stability, stay with Kovacs, and gain self-confidence. In that case, Bavaria will be strong again. ".

"The profession of a coach is associated with a lot of stress, therefore solidarity between mentors is very important. There are a lot of young specialists in Germany now who have all the makings of becoming excellent trainers.

. Because it is important to support them when something goes wrong, as we would like ".

"As for me, most likely, I will not continue my career in the Bundesliga. At the moment, I can not say at what position and where I will work, because I do not know. This could be my native village, Japan, or any other place ", - Wenger quotes Tribal Football.

Earlier it was reported that Bavaria considers Zinedine Zidane as a possible replacement for Kovac.

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