Kostyuchenko is going to be sold out at the League of Nations match between the national teams of Ukraine and the Czech Republic

16 October 2018, 00:36 | Football
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On the USC Metalist stadium in Kharkov, where the national football team of Ukraine within the 4th day of the game in League B, Group 1 of the UEFA League of Nations will take on the Czech team on October 16, a full house is expected. The First Vice-President of the FFU, Vadim Kostyuchenko, said this in a comment to Ukrainian News..

"Kharkiv has always loved football. And our main football squad inspires optimism with its performances: two victories over rivals in the League of Nations group, a draw with one of the strongest teams of the continent - Italy. Spectators in Kharkov rightly expect a positive result from our team. Therefore, they are actively buying tickets for the match with the Czechs.. I am sure that the stadium will be filled, and the audience will enjoy the game ", said Kostyuchenko.

According to Vadim Kostyuchenko, FFUs follow the tradition of inviting to the matches of the main team of the country and honorary fans. A significant number of tickets were handed over to ATO veterans, soldiers from DUS units who are undergoing treatment at a local hospital, as well as to military doctors who put our defenders on their feet. Also, FFU and youth football teams not only from Kharkov, but also from Lugansk, Donetsk, Sumy, Poltava, Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye regions.

The First Vice-President of the FFU noted that the audience before the match will have to wait for the canceled concert program, in which participants and finalists of famous domestic music shows will perform.

"I will not reveal all the secrets about those who will perform at the USC Metalist before the Ukraine-Czech Republic match. But the main song of our country - the anthem of Ukraine, will be performed by Natalya Karpa, Honored Artist of Ukraine, "stressed Vadim Kostyuchenko.

Match 4 of the League of Nations Day (League B, Group 1) between the National teams of Ukraine and the Czech Republic will be held in Kharkiv on October 16 at the USC Metalist Stadium. Starting at 21. 45.

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