Rivaldo: In Real Azar will play brighter than in Chelsea

12 October 2018, 13:51 | Football
Эден Азар, Getty Images
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Eden Azar can successfully take in Real a place of Cristiano Ronaldo who left for Juventus - Rivaldo believes.

"The Belgian is a miracle, how good - quoted Goal. com winner of the 1999 Golden Ball. - And it seems to me that he is the best fit for Real, especially considering that Azar dreams of this team.. Eden brilliantly performed at the 2018 World Cup, a great start to the new season in Chelsea. I think Real Madrid should do everything possible to get Azar during the next transfer window.. Especially if the fate that Madrid is not attacking now.

It seems to me that for Azar this transition will be a very successful career step, and in Real Madrid he will be able to play brighter than in Chelsea, because in Spain the defenders, although not by much, give the attackers more freedom than in England ".

Before the pause associated with the games of the national team, Real in four games could not hit the gate rivals, and Azar this season in the Premier League has distinguished himself with seven goals scored.

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Based on materials: goal.com

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