Arteta: There is no room for mistakes in the Champions League

21 September 2018, 00:27 | Football
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Assistant head coach of Manchester City Mikel Arteta commented on the defeat of the "townspeople" in the match against Lyon (1: 2).

"We could play better. We had a bad start, and we played unevenly: we lost single combats, easily gave the ball and conceded two goals of the opponent, but, in general, the reaction of the team to failure was correct, "said Arteta.

"We carefully prepared for today's meeting and studied the strengths and weaknesses of Lyon. In the second half, we more controlled the game and created many scoring chances, but in this competition our efforts were not enough ".

"There is no room for mistakes in the Champions League: any errors lead to immediate consequences, and today we were once again convinced of this".

"After the departure from the Champions League 2017/18 in the quarterfinals we wanted to start this season well, but everyone has bad days, and I know that our players have tried. I do not blame them for their defeat ".

On Football. ua available goal videos and review of the match Manchester City - Lyon (1: 2).

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