Only 5 players of the England team played only in the Premier League

06 September 2018, 15:01 | Football
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The Sky Sports edition calculated how many players of the England national team held career matches in various leagues.

Only one Eric Dyer has experience playing outside England (Sporting Lisbon). Meanwhile, only 5 footballers never went on the field anywhere except for the Premier League. These are all young players: Rahim Sterling (195 matches), Luke Shaw (107), Marcus Rushford (81), Ruben Loftus-Chick (48) and Trent Alexander-Arnold (30).

Jordan Henderson held 97% of all matches for a career in the Premier League (no one in the current team more often in the Premier League did not play - 282 matches).

Goalkeepers Jordan Pickford (12 appearances) and Jack Batland (24), as well as midfielder Alex McCarthy (4) are the only players who played in League 2 (fourth in rank division). McCarthy also did in the Premier League only 26% of matches in his career.

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