Shevchenko: The main thing now is to get to the European Championship

27 August 2018, 10:28 | Football
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Head coach of the national team of Ukraine Andriy Shevchenko told about the tasks of the national team.

"Now the main thing is the result. Two years we built the team, introduced new players and put a certain strategy. The main thing now is to get to the European Championship.

If we do not get - it means that I have not fulfilled my task, "said Shevchenko in an interview with the program Football.

"The Ukarina team must control the ball well, defend and use the space".

"Play only on counterattacks and fight back - this is football in nowhere, it will lead to nothing. I do not see the point of even trying to play this way ".

Recall that on September 6, the Ukrainian team will hold a match of the League of Nations against the Czech Republic, and September 9 in Lviv, "blue and yellow" will play against the Slovak national team.

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