Exclusive. Rafael van der Vaart: I was a bigger problem for Ibrahimovic than he for me

27 August 2018, 09:51 | Football
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Rafael van der Vaart in an extensive conversation with Eugene Muzyka told about many interesting moments of his career and revealed the secret of the recent failures of the Netherlands team.

Our dialogue with Rafael van der Vaart begins with a joke (or not?). I ask the vice-champion of the world and the former player of Real, is it convenient for him to talk now. "Yes, good. If it does not take two hours, then quite ", - answers Rafael.

Is it necessary to recall that van der Vaart is a pupil of the legendary school of Amsterdam's Ajax? Thousands of Dutch boys dreamed of playing for an Amsterdam club, and what about Raphael?.

"Was it your dream to play for Ajax?".

- Yes, I always wanted this. I grew up in the Netherlands, and Ajax is the greatest club in this country. So when I joined Ajax at the age of 10, it was a dream come true, even though I was quite a child then. It was very nice there, and I really appreciate Ajax.

- But your favorite player was Romario from PSV?.

- Yes, and there was a problem - that he played for PSV. I always liked Romario, he was my idol. Undoubtedly, this is a special football player. When I was playing for Ajax, I continued to follow his games. And he hoped that he would be fine, but not too much - after all, he played against Ajax.

- In the 2001/02 season, you had two serious injuries. Did they affect you? Have not you decided to leave football?.

- No, I did not have such thoughts. It's part of football, sometimes it's happening. You know, sometimes you get hurt, sometimes you do not get lucky. But I always knew that I would be stronger. There are many former players who, after completing a career, can not walk. I still feel good and still playing. For this I am very grateful.

- You were the first to win the Golden Boy award. How important was this for you?.

- Yeah, it was business. Then I did not think much about it. Of course, it was nice to receive the award, I was really proud of it. But over the years, when your career is already coming to an end - you realize that this is really a special prize. I am very pleased to be the first to win it. Time flies, and now I'm proud of this award even more than when I received it.

"Why did not you get along with Zlatan?".

- (Laughs). This question is always asked to me, more than any other. At that time, we were both young, and I was the best player in Ajax. He came to the club and believed that he is the best player of Ajax. Then he acted differently than now. And I think he was a bit jealous. In fact, I did not have really big problems with it. Just two ego converged in one place. I think I was a bigger problem for him than he for me.

But in general, this is a sincere person, with whom we sometimes had quarrels. But I am sure that if we had met now, then there would have been no problems.

- That is, now you could play in the same team?.

- (Laughs). Perhaps, who knows. We are older, we have families and children. I think this changes you as a person. I made mistakes, he did. In the end, we were young guys who aspired to the top, and all for this they did.

"Why did you lose the captain's armband in Ajax?".

- I was the captain, and already then we had graters with Zlatan. Once the coach wanted to put me on the left flank. I really did not like it. I said: "Sorry, I'm not a left winger". "Please play there," added the coach.. "No, this is not my position". So I ceased to be captain of Ajax.

- Would you like to play for Ajax again?.

- Ajax will always be my club, but now I live in Denmark. I just signed a one-year contract with Esbjerg, my girlfriend plays handball here. Now we are going to stay in Denmark, and I do not hesitate to return to the Netherlands.

- You were associated with leading European clubs, but why did you move from Ajax to Hamburg?.

- It was an easy decision. FC Hamburg wanted to sign me and invited me to Hamburg - to meet with the trainer, the sports director, the city to see. And everything came together perfectly. I talked to the coach, he convinced me, and I did not hesitate for a second with the decision. Many were surprised that I went to Hamburg. But also they knew that this is one of the greatest clubs in Germany, so this was the best solution for my career.

- What was the most unforgettable moment in Hamburg?.

- There were many of them, but I, perhaps, will highlight the victory in the Intertoto Cup. Do you know what kind of cup it is? We played a lot of matches in it to enter the UEFA Cup. In the two-legged final we beat Valencia (1: 0, 0: 0), and I marked an assistant to Barbares. I have only good memories of this.

- Did you have any other suggestions before moving to Real Madrid?.

- Valencia showed interest, but Hamburg refused. And then Real Madrid entered the game. For me it was ... I did not have to think, yes or no - I just wanted to go to this club.

- They wrote that Atletico offered more money for you than Real Madrid, but Hamburg decided not to sell you. Why did he sell to Real Madrid?.

- I do not know anything about Atletico. Valencia - yes, they wanted to buy me and were ready to pay big money, but Hamburg refused. So I said "okay" and stayed. And Real Madrid - it was an easy decision, especially considering that my mother is from Spain, and I'm half Spanish. My family still lives there, so it was just fantastic.

- What were the feelings when you became a player of Real Madrid? This club is different from everyone else?.

- This is the greatest club in the world, so it was something special. Real is the only club whose t-shirt I put on every day with the thought: "Wow, I did it!". That's so great Real Madrid.

"More than Barcelona?".

- The question is not whether you are more - you know what I mean. Speech about popularity around the world, about this white T-shirt, stadium and history - about all this. I was very happy to be part of the Real Madrid family. The club still invites me to the locker room, the matches are just amazing. Many do not know this, but Real Madrid is very good about former players.

- What was your relationship with Juande Ramos?.

- I will be frank: not the best. You know, for a football player, it's all simple: if the coach puts you in the base - you think him an excellent guy, do not put it - m ** ak (laughs). Always like this. In general, they were not the best, but this is a normal guy. I will not say that I hated him, but if he had put me in the basis - perhaps, would have trained Real Madrid so far.

- How did you react when Real Madrid did not give you the number for the season?.

- It was weird. Real Madrid wanted to sell me, but I decided to stay. And after that I gave my best season, returned the number back and was really good.

- Why is number 23 special for you?.

- This is my lucky number. I got it in my first year in Ajax. Then it was not supposed that I would play at the base and it was like this: "Okay, let's take it, and since this is a young player - let's give him the 23rd number". I started to train and play so good that in a couple of months I became the main one. It was a wonderful feeling!.

- Speaking for Tottenham, you often scored Arsenal. Did you prepare for the "Gunners" in any special way?.

- I always knew what the most important matches for my clubs. For example, in Ajax there were meetings with Feyenoord - for fans, for the club. I think it's very important - to study the history of the club, when you go into it, what matches are important for the fans. I always say this to young players.

I myself studied it for all my clubs. So, when I moved to Tottenham, I knew how important these meetings were to them. You can decide the outcome of one such fight - and that's all, you're a hero. I knew that if I score and we win Arsenal - especially on the road - it will be powerful.

Before such matches you always have special feelings. You are more concentrated, more hungry for goals - that's the secret here.

- Somehow the taxi driver even said that he would have taken you for free if you had played for Arsenal. And were there any gains from playing for Tottenham?.

- Yes, he said that if I was Robin van Persie and played for Arsenal, then the trip would be free for me. But since I played for Tottenham, I had to pay. A very funny story. Tottenham and Arsenal were and are great clubs.

When I call Tottenham and say that I want to attend the match, I still feel welcome. People still love me, we have a special relationship with them.

- In Tottenham you played with Luka Modric and Gareth Bale. Was it felt then that they could play for Real Madrid?.

- No, then it was not felt. But I'm not surprised that they are doing so well. I already knew then that they are great players, but since then they have made great progress and now are in the top 5 in the world. I always say that they became the best in the world because they trained with me (laughs).

- Who of the current composition of Tottenham would go to Real Madrid?.

- Yes, many. But I hope that Tottenham will retain its leaders and can finally become a champion. I think this is more important than selling players. Of course, everyone is talking about Harry Kane, Christian Eriksen, Dela Alli. But I believe, now they are really strong as a team.

In my day we had a lot more players with a great name, but the current lineup acts more like a team. And, of course, he is talented. Kane scores very much, Eriksen incredible talent, Dele Alli also scores. Now they have more opportunities.

- Can Tottenham be able to compete for the championship?.

- I hope so. I'm still very much in favor of Tottenham, so I want them to win something. I hope so.

- Why did you decide to leave Tottenham, and not fight for a place in the base with Gilfi Sigurdsson?.

- I wanted to return to Hamburg. It was not the best decision, but I accepted it.

- Do you consider returning to Hamburg a mistake?.

- Yes. In Tottenham was the best period in my football career. Of course, Hamburg had problems, he was walking at the bottom of the table, so I wanted to help him. In addition, I liked the city and the life in it. Not the smartest step, but I did it. But I do not regret my decisions, including this.

- After Hamburg, you signed a three-year contract with Betis, but left after one season. Why?.

- Everything turned out very strange. In Betis, I had good teammates, I liked to live there, I tried to give all the best, I gave myself away. But sometimes you go to the club and you think: "Oh, in vain".

After a couple of months I was told: "You will not play anymore. You can train, do what you want, but you will not play ". Our coach was fired (Pepe Melia - prim. ) and appointed another - from the reserve team. I do not remember his name (Juan Merino - prim. ), but he was so despicable! Worst coach in my career. I thought: "Ok, so you went". I just stayed and waited a chance to leave.

- Denmark is considered the happiest country in the world. Does it feel? Is it different from the Netherlands, Germany, England and Spain?.

- Yes, it's different. Very calm. It's just a good life, a calm one - quite different than the one I used to.

- Do you like living in Denmark?.

- Yes, I really like it, but I'm not going to stay here forever.. I mean, I'm just here because my girlfriend (Estavana Polman - prim. ) plays handball in this country. She is still a young girl and wants to play for many more years, so maybe we'll stay here. But I want to finish my career in Denmark - play a little more, have fun and try to learn little by little the young players.

- So, if your girlfriend Estavana Polman leaves Denmark, then you, too?.

- Yeah..

- Are you satisfied with Danish football and fans?.

- This is not my football, not the one that I like - there's more emphasis on physics. But football is changing. I have been playing for a very long time, but I still want to continue and win something with the team. Every day I work for this.

- Did your salary really decrease tenfold after moving to Midtjylland?.

- No, she still was good there. So this is not true..

"Why did not you play for Midtjylland six months ago?".

- Again, this turned out to be not the best union. I needed every day to train for an hour and a half back and forth. So every day I spent three hours in the car. It is too far. But now I'm playing in Esbjerg, a local club, and it's much better.

- The main reason you chose Esbjerg was Estavan?.

- Yes, of course, it was she.

- What was the most memorable moment for you in the national team?.

- I played for her 109 games, so there are a lot of good memories. We were close to winning the World Cup (lost to Spain 0: 1 in overtime at the 2010 World Cup - prim. ), are close to becoming legends. We wanted to be the best. I still hurt because of that defeat.

- For Euro 2008 the Netherlands defeated the world's current world champions Italians and vice-champions of the French world, but lost to Russia in the playoffs. Something went wrong?.

- I do not know. We had one bad match and we flew out. Very sorry. I think we showed the best football at that tournament, so we were upset that we did not win.

- What happens to the Netherlands? Why did not they enter Euro-2016 and World Cup-2018?.

- I stopped playing (laughs).

- Maybe the coach will read this interview and call you again.

- Team really does not have the best times. I hope this will change.

- Who from the current generation of Dutch youth can remedy the situation? Perhaps Patrick Kluivert? ... that is, Justin, of course.

- (laughs). Justin is really good and he's still young.. When I, Sneijder and van Persie were young - we all played for the greatest clubs in the world - Real Madrid, Bavaria, Manchester United - all these are big clubs. And now the biggest club for which they perform is, perhaps, Roma. Someone plays for Stoke City. Now everything is very different. Now if you play well in the Netherlands, then perhaps you will buy Everton. With all due respect to Everton, in my time the best players from the Netherlands wanted Real Madrid and Barcelona.

- Maybe Frankie de Jong will go to Barcelona.

- Maybe. Of course, this would be a good step for him. But he must play, and not just go to a big club and sit on a bench.

- Who was the best coach in your career?.

- Louis van Gaal.

- What can you say about him? Perhaps there were some funny stories?.

- Very honest and straightforward person. The most honest coach in my career, and I love honesty. And he knew perfectly well what the rival would do. He said: "I want you to do this and this". He was always sincere, and I really liked it.

- And who was the best player among those with whom you played?.

- Cristiano Ronaldo.

- What do you think about his move to Juventus? Is this the right decision?.

- I'm sorry. You know, guys like Messi ... Messi will never leave Barcelona. I'm a little sad because of Ronaldo's departure.

- There is an opinion that you have not realized your potential to the full extent.

- I played 109 matches for the Netherlands team, I played in the finals of the World Cup, I competed for the greatest clubs of the world. I am a happy person and never regret about my decisions. I'm pleased with the way I am. I think it's more important than being a more cool player, winning the Champions League four times or something like that. Although, perhaps this is my main problem.

But I'm happy that I am who I am, I am happy because of my children and my girlfriend - this is the most important thing for me. Football is a great thing, and I'm glad that I can still do it.. And it does not matter at what level. I really like him..

- Cristiano Ronaldo recently said that he would be happy to see that his son also became a football player. Would you like your children to play football?.

- I know that my son can be really good at football. Now I have also a daughter. If they are happy - I am also happy. Even if they play, I do not know ... in chess or something like that. This is normal.

- What do you think about VAR? Is it good for football?.

- Sometimes I think it's good. There were a lot of wrong decisions when you also wondered how such a thing is possible at all. But I'm a bit worried that the decision will be made by those who sit in the truck.

They have never played football, so some situations will be difficult for them to understand - when I would say "yes, this is a penalty", and you would say "no".

This is a difficult question. But I believe that football has now become more honest. So this is a good thing that is bound to become even better in the coming years.

- What are you going to do when you finish playing football?.

- Not much. Perhaps nothing. I want to be a coach, but not immediately. To begin with, I want to be an expert on Dutch television, to sort out matches - I really like it - and that's all.. Not so much.

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