Ryabokon: To win on the road at Dawn is a very good result

27 August 2018, 00:11 | Football
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Head coach Desna Alexander Ryabokon commented on the game with the Lugansk Dawn.

Zarya lost to Desna in the 6th round of the ULE.

"Victory is always important, always enjoyable, especially win at the exit of Dawn - this is a very good result. We understood that the hosts will have some difficulties. Not even with the mood, but still in two or three days a lot is being decided in the European League.

It is difficult to maintain concentration, all the same there are some confounding factors. We did not get in the way. At the right time showed skill. So I'm happy with the game, and even more I'm happy with the result, "Ryabokon's official site quotes Zari.

"Lack of Dmitry Hlebas? He was injured in the last game, with an injury finish match with the Carpathians. Since then, he does not train. I think after the break in September, that is, in two weeks he will be in the ranks ".

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