Babich: In football, miracles happen

16 August 2018, 00:48 | Football
Александр Бабич, ФК Мариуполь
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- First of all, I apologize for the short delay. Our plane was delayed in Frankfurt, so we almost immediately came to the press conference from the airport. Although I can not say that the road was heavy. I'm sure, today's delay on the game will not affect. We will have enough time to rest and recover.

As for tomorrow's match, I would like the game not to give viewers boredom. After the first game we are in not the best situation. But in football miracles happen and we will believe that tomorrow something like this can happen. The first thing that we will require from players is to play free and show good football. Any positive result will suit us.

- Based on the result of the first game, will you make changes to the starting lineup of your team?.

- We are still thinking about the composition. But a small rotation will still be.

We already take into account the match of the championship of Ukraine against Vorskla, which will be held on Sunday. Therefore, the changes will be. I think this rotation will be beneficial, as those guys who play tomorrow, and those who play on Sunday.

- A week ago you were asked about the frog's legs. Have you ever lost the desire to try them?.

- I remember this question. At any tomorrow's result I will try all the same to try paws.

The match of Braga - Dawn will take place on August, 16th at 22:30 on Kiev time.

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