The fate of Modrica may decide on Monday

11 August 2018, 12:46 | Football
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Real Madrid midfielder Luka Modric can still leave the club.

Agent Vlado Lemic met with the representatives of Real and asked about the departure of his client to the Inter, says Gianluca Di Marzio.

Decisive in this transfer may be Monday, when Real Madrid must fly to Tallinn for the European Super Cup match against Atletico Madrid.

Spanish media claim that Modric will remain in Real Madrid, unless someone pays 750 million euros of compensation. In addition, Madrid allegedly offer a new contract to the Croat, who will double his salary almost twice (now he earns 6.5 million euros per year).

The owners of Inter, Suning Group allegedly offer the almost 33-year-old Croats a six-year contract. Four years he will play in Inter, two more - in the Chinese Jiangsu Sunin.

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