No Marcelo? Juventus wants to extend the contract with Sandro

11 August 2018, 12:42 | Football
Алекс Сандро, Getty Images
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"The old lady" is at an advanced stage of negotiations with Alex Sandro under a new contract, reports Sportitalia.

The left defender moved to Turin in the summer of 2015 for 26 million euros from Porto. Since then he has grown in price three times.

The contract between Alex and Juventus is now valid until 2020.

Interest in the Brazilian was attributed to various European clubs, among them - PSG, MJ, Man City and Chelsea. Juventus himself this summer was allegedly interested in the left-back of Real Madrid and Cristiano Ronaldo Marcelo, but the extension of the contract with Sandro may indicate that this transfer will not take place.

Also Juventus is close to extending the contract with Miralale Pjanic. The current Bosnian agreement lasts until the summer of 2021.

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