Yavorsky: Bordeaux does not forgive mistakes

11 August 2018, 10:40 | Football
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Defender of Mariupol Sergei Yavorsky shared his opinion about the match with Bordeaux.

Mariupol opened the scoring in the match against Bordeaux, but eventually was defeated with a score of 1: 3.

"We created many scoring chances. Not a single game this summer has not created so many. They did not score, they made very insulting mistakes.

Such a rival as Bordeaux, this does not forgive, "- quotes Yavorsky official website of Mariupol referring to the channel Football.

"The result is not quite fair, but the opponent's class is higher. Not everything is lost, we will fight until the last second in France ".

"We have a week, finally we will rest at home. I think we still have chances, albeit scanty ".

On Football. ua available goal videos and a review of the match Mariupol - Bordeaux (1: 3).

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