Vakulenko: Olimpic was supposed to beat Lviv and in equal compositions

11 August 2018, 10:09 | Football
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Olympic midfielder Sergei Vakulenko shared his opinion after the draw with FC Lviv.

In the match of the 4th round of the Ukrainian Premier League, Olimpic shared points with Lviv (1: 1).

"The opponent, after the removal completely sat down in his penalty area, it was hard for such a game to find moments.

We are not looking for excuses, we had to beat Lviv in equal compositions, and playing with a numerical advantage. Lvivans did not surprise us, we knew how they would play, "- quotes Vakulenko official website of the Olympic.

"Today there were few acute points, it is very difficult to play when the opponent so defensively defends himself. It was necessary to think of something, to play not standardly. We scored, created pressure on the gates of Lviv, but could not score the second goal. Did not have enough time".

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