KEPA: I've known for weeks about the interest of Chelsea

09 August 2018, 22:50 | Football
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New Chelsea Kep Arrisabalaga believes that he will be able to adapt to English football.

Kep Arrisabalaga became the most expensive goalkeeper in history after Chelsea paid Athletic 80 million euros.

"I'm incredibly happy to be here, it's a big challenge for me, and it's of great importance for my career and personal life," said Kepe.

"This is a big step forward in my career, and a very bold move by the club that decided to sign me. As for the price, this is something I do not think about. I just want to be myself, the same as I've always been, and try to show my maximum for the sake of the club ".

"I left the vacation on July 23rd, and for several days during training I knew about Chelsea's interest in me. There were preliminary proposals, but Athletic is the club that is usually not interested in these transitions. I have known for several weeks about the interest of Chelsea ".

"I just hope that I can adapt and adapt as soon as possible, but we are all different. English championship is really special, but I have a lot of friends, other Spanish players who are already playing in the Premier League, and they fantastically spoke about the game here. I am very happy to be here and am looking forward to the opportunity to join them ".

"I think I'll be able to adapt, and I find the style of the coach, his ideas and how he likes to play, very attractive. I have feedback about him from players like Pepe Reina, who performed in Napoli, is familiar with him and is very pleased with him.

The style of Maurizio differs little from that to which I am used to in the Spanish national team, for which I have been performing for many years, so I do not think this will be a problem ".

"Over these 7 years I expect to grow seriously, both personally and in the team plan. I hope that we will win many titles, and I hope that when I look back in those 7 years, I will be very proud of my achievements ".

As part of Chelsea, Arisabalaga was replaced by Thibaut Courtois, who moved to Real Madrid.

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