Lester acquired the defender of the Turkish national team from Freiburg

09 August 2018, 21:34 | Football
photo football.ua
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Turkish defender Chaglar Seiungju will continue his career in the English Premier League.

Lester acquired the central defender Chaglar Seiungju from Freiburg, the official website of the "fox".

The 22-year-old Turk signed a five-year contract, and the amount of the transfer, according to media reports, was 22 million euros.

Senjunju began his career in Altynordu, and joined Freiburg in the summer of 2016 for 2.5 million euros. Since then he has played 55 games for the German club, in which he scored one goal, gave one assists, received nine yellow cards and one red card.

In addition, on his account 16 matches and one goal for the national team of Turkey.

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