Khudzhamov: We must demonstrate our best qualities

09 August 2018, 20:15 | Football
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On the eve of the first match of the third qualifying round of the Europa League against Bordeaux, the goalkeeper of Mariupol Rustam Khudzhamov answered the questions of the journalists of the channel Football 1.

- You are one of the most experienced players of "Mariupol" and played a lot in "big" games. Tell us about the mood that now reigns in the team?.

- To begin with, I had few such games. If we take the past years, when Ukrainian football was on the rise, and we had 4-5 high-level teams, which was interesting to play, then yes, then I played. But directly in the European Cups, I had only one match up to this season. Mood in a combat team. We won at Djurgarden, won at Arsenal.

- Alexander Babich said that much attention should be paid to the attack of Bordeaux. What can you say?.

- We watched not so much video with the game Bordeaux. But I agree - they have a decent attack.

- The first match - in Odessa. Is it a plus or a minus?.

- Before the game, I'm not inclined to give predictions, weigh out curtsies or look for pros and cons. We can not change anything.. We have two games in which we must show our best qualities. And how it will turn out - we will know in a week.

- The team is very busy schedule - you play two days on the third. Are the guys ready against Bordeaux to play at a high level all 90 minutes?.

- The game will show. Although crossings, of course, exhaust very much. Even before the game with Djurgarden, it seemed psychologically that we had already spent half the championship. These moves take the last force. After the match with Arsenal, we had two days of positive.

We arrived, we had a rest, on Tuesday we practiced on the sea. I hope that we have recovered, but everything will show the game.

Match Mariupol - Bordeaux will be held on Thursday, August 9, in Odessa at the stadium Chernomorets. The beginning of the match at 20:00. Follow the progress of the fight you can on the text online broadcast to Football. ua.

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