Boychishin: Carpathians are full of the desire to rehabilitate themselves in front of the fans

28 July 2018, 15:02 | Football
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Head coach of the Carpathians Oleg Boychishin told about the mistakes of his team.

In the starting match of the ULL the Carpathians lost to Alexandria - 0: 2.

"First of all, what did not like in the last game, the tempo in which we played. It was convenient to defend, "- said Oleg Boychishin.

"There was also a high percentage of lost martial arts. And the third: we did not have enough concentration in the decisive moments of the match.

"I see the guys are full of the desire to be rehabilitated in front of the fans. We want to prove that in the first round it was a mistake. We all analyzed and understand this ".

In the second round the Lvivans will fight with Chernomorets.

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