Milan agreed with Juventus on the rental of Higuain

28 July 2018, 12:45 | Football
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Now Milan needs to persuade Higuain himself.

Juventus and Milan agreed on the lease of the striker "old lady" Gonzalo Higuaina. This is reported by various Italian media, among them - Sky Italia and Gazzetta dello Sport.

According to Sky, Milan will pay for the rent of 15 million euros. GdS adds that at the same time, "Rosso Neri" will be obliged to repurchase the Argentinean next summer.

The problem is that Higuain himself is not eager to leave Juventus and is unlikely to agree to lower his salary, which is equal to 7.5 million euros per season.

In the coming days, Nicholas Higuain, the brother and agent of the player, should come to Italy to discuss this transfer with the clubs.

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