Newcastle agreed to Muto's transfer and waits for the Japanese to get a work permit

28 July 2018, 00:46 | Football
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Newcastle agreed with Mainz on the purchase of Japanese striker Yoshinori Muto.

Japan forward Yoshinori Muto is one step away from the transfer from Mainz to Newcastle.

According to the official website of the "forty", they agreed the amount of the transfer with the German club, and Muto had already undergone a medical examination.

To complete the transition, the 26-year-old Japanese has to get a work permit. The hearing will take place next week.

Last season Yoshinori scored 10 goals and gave two assists in 30 matches in all tournaments for Mainz, for which he has been performing since 2015. Prior to this, Muto defended the colors of FC Tokyo.

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