Shakhtar signed Alexey Shevchenko

17 June 2018, 12:12 | Football
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Goalkeeper Lviv Carpathian Alexei Shevchenko will continue his career in the camp of the champions of Ukraine.

The official website of the miners reports that today, June 17, Shevchenko signed a contract with Shakhtar for a period of five years.

Shevchenko was brought up in Zaporozhye Metallurgy, and later he played for Uzhgorod Hoverla, Donetsk Olympic, Georgian Torpedo and Dilu and Lugansk Zarya.

Since February this year, the 26-year-old goalkeeper played for Lviv Carpathians. In total, the ULP goalkeeper held 48 matches.

For a place at the heart of the Donetsk Shakhtar, Alexei will have to fight Andrei Pyatov, as well as his namesake Nikita Shevchenko.

We note that on the eve of Shakhtar announced the transfer of 19-year-old Brazilian Fernando.

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