Dalich: Croatia will not adjust to Argentina and will certainly prepare a couple of surprises

17 June 2018, 11:07 | Football
photo football.ua
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Croatia coach Zlatko Dalic gave his comment after the match with Nigeria (2: 0).

On the eve of the Croatian national team thanks to the goals of Luka Modric and the own goal of Etebo defeated the national team of Nigeria.

"I want to congratulate my team on winning. The game was not easy, but we deservedly achieved the desired result. I dedicate this victory to our fans, "said Croatian coach Zlatko Dalich after the fight.

"We have to play a difficult match against Argentina, for which I was sick in the match against Iceland. We will not adjust to Argentina, but we will show our football and we will definitely prepare a couple of surprises ".

The match between the teams of Croatia and Argentina will be held on June 21.

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