Messi did not score 4 of the last 7 penalties

17 June 2018, 09:03 | Football
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Argentine striker Lionel Messi worsened from the already bad stats statistics "from the point".

In the match of the 1st round of the 2018 World Cup group stage, Argentina failed to beat Iceland (1: 1).

In the course of the game, "albiseleste" had a great chance to wrest victory, but this opportunity was missed by the captain of the team. Messi did not realize the 11-meter strike, not being able to beat the goalkeeper of rivals Tor Haldorsson.

It is noteworthy that of the last 7 penalties, Lionel managed to realize only 4 goals (considering the matches for the club and the national team).

Note that the goalkeeper of Icelanders Thor Haldorsson was recognized as the best player of the fight.

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