Serbia - Chile 0: 1 Video goals and match review

05 June 2018, 01:09 | Football
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Your attention video of the goal and the review of the match Serbia - Chile (0: 1).

Chile minimally defeated the national team of Serbia.

Serbia - Chile 0: 1 Goal: Maripan, 88 Serbia: Stojkovic, Milenkovic, Kolarov (Rodic, 80), Rukavina, Toshich, Gruyich, Milivojevic (Matic, 46), Zhivkovich (Tadic, 65), Lyayic (Milinkovich-Savic, 46), Radonich (Kostich, 64), Mitrovic (Jovic, 84).

Chile: Arias, Roco, Albornoz (Vegas, 73), Diaz (Bisama, 73), Maripan, Valdes, Reyes, Sagal (Rodriguez, 87), Pulgar (Martinez, 87), Fernandez (Lichnowski, 90), Mora , 65).

Warnings: Rukavina, Tosic, Reyes.

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