Hocholava: I hope my mistake will not cost Shakhtar the championship

15 April 2018, 13:38 | Football
photo football.ua
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Defender Shakhtar David Khocholava took the blame for the lost match against Dynamo (0: 1).

On the eve of Shakhtar lost 0: 1 Dynamo. The only goal in the 33rd minute of the meeting was scored by Vladimir Shepelev after the trimming of David Khocholava.

"I will not evaluate the team, because they lost because of me. Only my fault. In the team I was supported.

Everything is fine. I hope that this mistake will not cost the championship. I do not know how long I will survive this moment, "Khocholava said in an interview with Football 2.

After this defeat defeat Dynamo from Shakhtar was reduced to three points. Until the end of the championship left to play seven rounds.

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