Under hit Roma's bid for a match against Barcelona, ??Perotti is not ready to play

10 April 2018, 00:36 | Football
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Became known to the list of Roma players who can take part in the return match of the quarter finals of the Champions League against Barcelona.

Did not help the team Eusebio Di Francesco striker Diego Perotti, but another striker Cengiz Under recovered from damage.

Goalkeepers: Alysson Becker, Lukasz Skorupski, Andrea Romagnoli;.


Bruno Perez, Federico Fasio, Aleksandar Kolarov, Costas Manolas, Joao Jesus, Elio Capradossi;.

Midfielders: Daniele De Rossi, Alessandro Florenci, Maxim Gonalon, Raja Nainggolan, Lorenzo Pellegrini, Gerson, Kevin Strootman;.

Forwards: Gregoire Defler, Edin Dzeko, Stefan El Shaarawi, Cengiz Under, Patrick Schick.

The return match of the quarter finals of the Champions League between Roma and Barcelona will be held on Tuesday, April 10th. The beginning of the meeting at 21:45 Kiev time.

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