Chile beat Sweden

25 March 2018, 00:38 | Football
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Your attention is the result of a friendly match between the teams of Sweden and Chile (1: 2).

Team Chile managed to beat the Swedes in a friendly match.

Sweden - Chile 1: 2 Goals: Toivonen, 23 - Vidal, 22, Bolados, 90 Sweden: Nordfeldt, Granqvist, Lindelof, Lustig (Larsson, 81), Olsson, Classon, Larsson (Hilemark, 79), Svensson, Forsberg (Sema , 79), Berg, Toivonen Chile: Herrera, Bosejour, Maripan, Roco, Sagal (Bolados, 71), Hernandez (Valdes, 61), Vargas (Castillo, 61), Vidal, Sanchez, Arangis, Isla (Diaz, 79) Warnings: Lusztig, Isla, Vidal.

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