Messi: I do not know what I will do after the end of my career

19 March 2018, 20:24 | Football
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Barcelona striker Lionel Messi does not know where he will live and what he will do after he completes a football career.

After the football player finished his career, it's hard for him. Everyone says like that. It's hard to get used to, that you do not have any more games and trainings, "says Messi AS.

"What will I do after my career? I do not know. Where will I live? I do not know whether it will be Barcelona or Rosario ".

"I would like to return to Rosario, but I'm a little worried.

Robberies happen all over the world, but it's scary to imagine that something worse can happen. Before, I could wander the streets all day and nothing happened, today it's impossible, "Messi said..

Earlier it was reported that Messi - the second player after Ronaldo, has issued 100 goals in the Champions League.

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