Ferreira: I do not know whether I will renew the contract with the Miner

19 March 2018, 17:04 | Football
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Forward Shakhtar Facundo Ferreira can leave the club in the summer.

The next summer, Ferreira ends the contract with Shakhtar and the parties have not yet agreed on its extension.

"I do not know whether I will extend the contract with the Miner. So far, I do not have a definitive answer to this question, "Tyson said in a commentary on the program" Profboutbol "on the 2 + 2 channel.

"I need time. Now here flew out of the Champions League, the mood is not very good. In this state it is difficult to think about the future, "- added the player.

Note that in the summer, Shakhtar may miss several major players at once. Surely Fred and Bernard will leave, the future of Ismaili and Tyson is unclear.

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