Juventus is ready to pay for Nzonzi 30 million to get around Barcelona

19 March 2018, 15:19 | Football
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Turin club really wants to get the halfback of Seville Stephen Nzonzi.

In recent seasons, Nzonzi is one of the key players in Seville, because the head coach of the Norwegians Vincenzo Montella is doing everything possible to keep the player in the team.

Nevertheless, the services of the midfielder are interested in very serious clubs, including Barcelona and Juventus.

According to Mundo Deportivo, Turintsy are ready to pay 30 million euros for Nzonzi in order to get around in the fight for the player "blue garnet", who consider this amount too high and are not going to pay so much.

In the current drawing, examples of the 29-year-old midfielder scored one assists in 20 games.

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