Milinkovich-Savich will not play against Dynamo - Sky

15 March 2018, 01:01 | Football
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Midfielder Lazio Sergey Milinkovich-Savic missed the return match of the 1/8 finals of the Europa League against Dynamo.

Midfielder Lazio Sergey Milinkovich-Savich will not play against Dynamo, reports Sky Italia.

According to the source, one of the leaders of the "eagles" will miss the return match of the 1/8 finals of the Europa League because of muscle tension.

In the current season, Milinkovic-Savic held 37 games for Lazio in all tournaments, in which he scored 11 goals and gave four assists.

The return match of the 1/8 finals of the Europa League between Dynamo and Lazio will be held on Thursday, March 15. Beginning of the meeting at 20:00 Kyiv time.

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