Fans of West Ham believe leadership is worse than Hitler

25 February 2018, 11:31 | Football
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Fans of "hammers" demand the resignation of the leadership of West Ham.

At the West Ham match against Liverpool, fans of the Londoners staged a protest against the current leadership of the club: Vice President Carren Brady, as well as the owners and presidents of the club David Sullivan and David Gold.

Among other things, they posted a banner with the text: "Brady, Sullivan and Gold!

You caused more damage to east London than Hitler. There! There! There! ".

I mean. Bloody hell. pic. twitter. com / n0xVFtDxhy - MUNDIAL (@MundialMag) February 24, 2018.

West Ham is extremely unattractive this season. At one time the "hammers" even went in the relegation zone, but after the resignation of Slaven Bilic and the appointment of David Moyes, their affairs improved somewhat. After 28 games played, they are on the 13th place with 30 points.

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